This workbook has lost its VBA project.... Excel 2007

This was a serious and common issue(This workbook has lost its VBA projec)that both myself and our team came accros with excel data sheets with macros. We wasted a lot of time and effort initially to solve the issue. To our findings it was just a small feature during the installation of office 2007 that was missed out caused the problem. Posting this that there may be may who has really got an headache and finding nowhere for an answer. This is how you could avoid the error.

  1.  Close Excel if it is open.
  2.  In the Control Panel choose "Add or Remove Programs" (or Programs and Features in Windows Vista).
  3.  Select Microsoft Office in the list and click on the Change button.
  4. Choose "add or remove features"

  1. Select "Visual Basic for Applications" in the "Office Shared Features" list and set it to "Run from My Computer". Then click on the continue button.

  1. After the installation is finished you will be able to use Excel without the error.

Pass it to all you know


Anonymous said...

Tnx good...

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